Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon
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Something has happened, changing people into vampires, but Phineas and Ferb are the only one who don't turned into them. Will he have to fight his own sister?


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Chapter 1: Odd Acts[]

Phineas sat at the table eating his normal breakfast of cereal. It was some that he and Ferb invented, it consisted of marshmallows, flakes, and other tasty ingredients. It was the first day of school, and Phineas was going to make the best of it. Going into 6th grade wasn't a big deal, but he knew it was going to be crazy. Isabella, Baljeet, and Irving were all going to be in his class. Buford and his new friend Rex Timberline would be in a seperate room. Unfortunately, Ferb was going to be on the complete opposite side of the hallway. Phineas got himself ready, he put on his clothes, brushed his teeth, and fixed his hair so it didn't stand up as much as usual. He slipped on his new tennis shoes, grabbed his backpack, and he stepped on the bus. "Goodbye!" Their mother, Linda called. Phineas waved, and he and Ferb climbed into the bus. Ferb sat next to Baljeet and Phineas sat with Isabella. "So, whatch'a doin?" Isabella asked him. "Well, I've been trying to calculate a formula to create a potion to make you smarter." Phineas said, Isabella nodded. And they heard a "no fair!" from Baljeet. They laughed and waited untill they were dropped off at school, where they were introduced to their seats. They unpacked their rulers, markers, pencils, crayons, books, and other supplies. After Math, the second period, they were excused for lunch. But in the line to get some pizza, a kid was acting suspicious. He didn't get any meat, milk, or ham, instead he got water and salad. His eyes seemed to glow and burn Phineas's. "Hey, Phin." Rex Timberline said, sitting next to Phineas. "Uh, yeah?" Phineas asked, chewing on his pepperoni pizza and taking a sip of his milk. "What's up with him?" Rex said, pointing to the vegetarian guy. Phineas shrugged and continued to eat, something was weird with him, he just couldn't put his finger on it.
