Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon

Ooh, goody. I heart QnA's! Anyways, my followers have q's 4 you guys?

You guys are so cutesey! But I do have one question: what's a pixie? --Number 8

What are your powers? I want to put them in my records! --Number 6

Are there evil pixies out there? If so, can I meet them? --JoJo

I like to sing, do any of you guys like to sing? --LuLu

Does it hurt your eyes to look at such overwhelming colors all the time? I know my eyes hurt. --Brendan

Oh, and what are your real names? I want to put those in my records, too. --Number 6

What's your fav color? LoL, I know, that was random --Number 7

If Brendan gets to ask a question, then I get to ask a question. Are there such things as boy pixies? If so, what are they called? --Brennan

Are any of you potion-makers like I am? If so, do you have any Ottsel fur? And hamster-bat eyes, I love using those, but the DW's won't let me hurt Cookie. Meanies, aren't they? --Emylee

Could you guys ask a couple of q's on our QnA since we asked so many on yours? Thanks, babes. --Number 1

Well, I suppose that's the last of them. Later, babes! --Smilez221 You can fix anything w/ a :) (except this g-------d economy, apparently) 23:37, December 26, 2009 (UTC)
