Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon

Phineas falls in love with Isabella.

Isabella saves Phineas's life. Doofenschmirtz isn't up to anything today.


You Saved My Life, Isa! by Phineas

Running Gags

The "Too Young" Line

Phineas: Should we call 911?
Ferb: Yes, yes we should.

Ferb's Line

Ferb: I feel bad about Isabella.
Phineas: Me too. Should we call 911?
Ferb: Yes, yes we should.

Whatcha doing

Phineas: (walks in) Hey, Isabella! Whatcha doing?
Isabella: Waiting until I feel better.

Perry's Entrance to His Lair


Evil Jingle


Memorable Quotes

Phineas: You know, Isabella. You did save my life
Isabella: Aw, thanks!

Candace: Isabella's hurt!
Linda: Candace, calm down. What happened?
Candace: A taco truck came around the corner, toward Phineas, he didn't see it, so Isabella ran out and pushed him out of the way! And Isabella got run over!


Phineas and Ferb visits Isabella in the hospital. ("I Scream, You Scream")


This episode is similar to the iCarly episode "iSaved Your Life".


Vincent Martella as Phineas

Thomas Sangster as Ferb

Ashley Tisdale as Candace

Alyson Stoner as Isabella

Kelly Hu as Stacy

Caroline Rhea as Linda
