Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas Flynn


Phineas Flynn


Linda Flynn (Mother)

Ferb Fletcher (Step-brother)

Candace Flynn (Sister)

Lawrence Fletcher (Step-father)




Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Love Interest and Battle Partner)

Baljeet Tjinder

Buford Van Stomm




Evil Doofenshmirtz

Signature Technique


Phineas Flynn is a Saiyan from Earth. He is the sister of Candace Flynn, a martial arts master and celebrated healer, the stepbrother of Ferb Fletcher and the stepson of Lawrence Fletcher. Originally thought to be a human, he and Ferb discover they are actually members of an alien race known as the Saiyans, reputed as the most powerful warriors in the universe. He, along with Ferb and his battle partner and love interest Isabella Garcia-Shapiro are the main characters of Phineas and Ferb Z.


This universe's version of Phineas, physically, is almost exactly same as his normal counterpart, except his characteristic red hair is longer.

During the Pilot and most of the Firestorm arc, he wears a blue gi, and yellow pants. During the NORM arc, he changed to a red hoodie with blue pants, and trainers.



Phineas, as a Saiyan, is a powerful individual. By the series starts, he and his friends are already considered to be some of the world's strongest individuals. After extensive training after losing to the evil version of his friend Buford, Firestorm, he becames strong enough to decimate skyscrapers. He later recieves a zenkai, a genetic ability exclusive to the Saiyans (a large boost in power after recovering from severe injuries) after being hit by NORM's All-Out Beam.

As a Saiyan, he is naturally proficient in energy attacks. Using his intelligence, and research into not only energy attacks, but his own power, he was able to create the Kamehameha, an attack that takes all of the user's energy and manipulate it into a beam. He later taught it to several people, including Ferb, Isabella, Baljeet, Candace, and Jeremy.


Ki Blast: Phineas can manipulate energy, and unleash it.

Flight: Phineas eventually figured out to manipulate his ki in such a manner, he learned to levitate and fly.

Kamehameha: An energy beam that takes all of the user's power, and projects it outwardly, with devastating effect. Phineas' version is shown to be able to obliterate skyscrapers.



  • Phineas' character in this series is similar to Goku from Dragon Ball Z, the series this is based on.
  • Gamerknight, the author, has hinted that Phineas will become a Super Saiyan.