Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon

Emporer Scorpion is the arachnid phylum's leader in the S.A.F organization.


Emperor Scorpion is a gigantic black colored Scorpion. His two claws have been severely mutated due to a certain incident in Russia. His right claw is like that of a gigantic claw-like human hand, while his left claw is that of a gigantic pincer with various protrusions on it.


Emperor Scorpion speaks with the accent of the stereotypical African-American gangster. He is also quite sadistic, as he forced Perry to watch Phineas be transformed into a cyborg and while Perry was in a turmoil of emotions ranging from hate, anger, and despair, Emperor Scorpion only fell asleep from boredom. He is a keen listener, as he paid close attention to Ellen's concerns about Phineas' unnatural increase in power. He is an extreme hater of love or anything that comes close to the definintion, freaking out whenever such a scene of love occurs, possibly due to a nuclear accident that killed his girlfriend.


For his size, Emperor Scorpion is surprisingly agile. Due to the size of his claws, he is easily capable of crushing objects. His poison is far stronger than that of a normal Emperor scorpion, being able to kill within seconds. He can also spawn smaller versions of himself in a fashion similar to vomiting.


Phyborg and Feronster: Parts I and II[]

His first appearence was in Phyborg and Feronster where he went over to the Tri-State Area to oversee Operation: Dual Vengence, an operation given to them by Thaddeus and Thor. He oversaw the capture of Phineas and Perry, and forced Perry to watch Phineas be transformed into Phyborg. After falling asleep and being woken up by? Ellen, he gave the order for Phyborg to destroy the Tri-State Area while Ellen charged a large group of ants to throw Perry off their ship. He and Ellen then discussed how Phineas had become more powerful than originally anticipated, but before they could figure it out, Thomas Silver attacked them, eventually forcing ES and his subordinates to attack the Enigma leader. Emperor Scorpion eventually fought Thomas Silver in a one-on-one battle, but was nearly killed had it not been for Ellen. After Thomas Silver retreated and the S.A.F. agents were able to recover, Emperor Scorpion was beaten up by Ellen for his overreaction to the mush scene between Isabella and Phyborg, and as it continued, he snapped, prompting him to brutally command Phyborg to utterly destroy Isabella, but when Phyborg was turned back to normal thanks to the Revert-inator, he bawled a river of tears.
