Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon
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Carl: College Years - The Movie
Theatrical poster


User:Trolypac, User:Chance135

Based on

Carl: College Years

Based on characters by:

Dan, Swampy

Run Time


Air date

When we finish it




Sitcom Romance Adventure

Theme Song

beggining: Carl! ending: Set The Study Time



"Carl: College Years - The Movie" is a movie based on the series Carl: College Years.


Carl invites Vanessa to travel together to Paris, because he wants to see Disneyland. Vanessa thinks that if she goes with him, Carl will make her all the works and exams, so she accepts. Unfortunally, the plane crashes in Spain. Candace , Stacy , Johnny , Phineas and Ferb are in Spain, too, trying to learn Spanish. They meet Carl and Vanessa and they try to help them. But that winter is so cold, they can't travel with any plane, boat etc. home, except the one that they should have travelled back. The plane is in Paris and will lift off in 3 hours. If they don't catch that plane, then they can't return until Christmas Vacation is over, but if they don't return before January, Carl will lose any chance of continue studying, because he has the exams.


See Transcript


Running Gags[]

Aren't you a little young? (from Phineas and Ferb original series)

  • Vanessa:"...Wait a second! Yes, yes I accept!"

He will never change

  • Vanessa looks at the camera:"He will never Change"


  • Carl:Nope Sir

Evil Jingle: (from Phineas and Ferb original series)

  • Doofensmirtz Evil incorporated

Googly Moogly

  • Monogram:"Carl, I knew you were there. I need help with my Phone- Google Moogly! My GPS says that he is Carl but he is so..., unnerdy!"

