Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon

"Yes!!! Finally, it is complete!!!" Heinz Doofenshmirtz, ace mad scientist extroadinaire yelled, as a cow stood up and said "Hi." "I finally created the world's first talking cow! I shall call you... The Moo Moo... OF DOOM!!!" Heinz yelled evilly.

"Yeah... uhhh... that's a... nice name..." Moo Moo said, backing away.

"But sir, that's not the first talking cow!" Heinz's robot assistant, Norm, said. " They made one yesterday before you could!"

"WHAT!?" Heinz asked, grabbing the newspaper away from Norm. "Talking cow... aid humanity.. when milk is read - HOW COULD THEY DO IT BEFORE I COULD!?!?!?!?" Heinz yelled angrily. "Ugh, I have no use for you, anymore, The Moo Moo of Doom! Leave before I kill you!!!"

"Ugh... okay..." Moo Moo said, leaving. "Wow, that guy was creepy, even though he gave me a voice... I guess I'll find somewhere to live..." she said, while walking down the street. A while later, she saw two nerds talking.

"I keep telling you, Stumbleberry Finkbat 12 is nowhere NEAR as good as Space Adventure 6!!" the shorter nerd told the taller nerd.

"And I told YOU that Stumbleberry Finkbat 12 is as good or better than EVERY even numbered Space Adventure, EVEN Number 6!!!" the taller nerd told the shorter one. Moo Moo walked over to them.

"Uhhh.... hi?" she said, trying to get their attention.

"D-did that cow just talk?" the shorter nerd asked.

"I'm just wondering why a cow is in our yard." the taller nerd wondered.

"My name is Moo Moo... of Doom... But just call me Moo Moo." Moo Moo said to the nerds.

"Well, hi, Moo Moo... I'm Irving... But just call me Irving :P" the shorter nerd told Moo Moo.

"And I'm Irving's brother, Albert." the taller nerd said to Moo Moo.

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Moo Moo said.

"If you don't mind me asking, why can you talk?" Irving asked.

"Well, that's a long story. Come on, I'll tell you through montage!" Moo Moo answered. Then a montage started. A little while later... "So then, I said "If you continue touring these factories, you're eventually gonna get caught!"" Moo Moo explained. A little while later... "So, I had two options. Eat the staples, or go into a coma. And remember, I'm allergic to staples!" Moo Moo once again explained. A little while later... "And then, the ball hit me RIGHT IN THE NOSE!" Another explanation by Moo Moo. A little while later... And I gained the ability to speak English from Doof, and he kicked me out due to not being the first talking cow. Then I came here. That's all." Moo Moo finished her story.

"...Wow, someone should make a soap opera about your life." Albert suggested.

"Soap opera, eh? Albert, I know what we're gonna do today!" Irving exclaimed.

To! Be! Continued!!!
